JP: Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
- I believe our final media product would be more aimed towards independent and mainstream cinema due to it being a hybrid of mainstream genres with a low budget. Another reason we would be aimed towards this smaller, niche audience is that we are not owned by any very large conglomerates such as 'Time Warner'. However, our production is aimed at a younger audience than those generally attracted to independent cinema, and therefore i believe that mainstream cinema would be most suitable for us.
- Our final production is similar to that of 'Monsters' (Edwards, 2010), because all special effects were done in the director's hotel room, similar to ours being done at school. Monsters was also filmed with guerilla tactics, similar to ours as we shot it all in two different nights for the two different parts. 'Monsters' was released to mainstream cinema, and considering our media product is quite similar in terms of production and editing, mainstream would be also be most suitable for our production.
- I believe our film would most likely be screened in a mixture of large multiplex cinemas and smaller, more independent ones, due to it being a mainstream audience. The audience in an independent cinema would not really be as suitable for the film as a mainstream audience would be. The core audience would be males aged 16-24 due to the hybrid genre of horror/thriller, which is most popular with that age group in males.
- In order to find a distributor for our film, we would have to screen our film at a film festival like Cannes or Sundance, which are intended for distributors to attend and find films which they think could be successful. We would be most likely to attract mainstream or independent distributors, such as 'Vertigo Films' or 'Pandora Cinema' respectively. After a few distribution companies have shown interest in the film, we would have to choose which ones we think would be most suitable for worldwide and national distribution of our film, and this choice would mainly rely on the aspects of money and the chance of success.

- I believe our film would have a very good chance of gaining the 250% profit that most films aim to achieve, due to our micro-budget and the film going on general release in mainstream cinemas. I am confident that our film would be very popular and profitable with our core mainstream audience, because it contains many things that our core audience are attracted to in films, and the special effects and original narrative that our film contains could also appeal to a wider audience than just the ones we aim for.
- Our use of viral marketing is very simliar to that of small independent films, for instance we have shared our video on several popular websites and YouTube videos, increasing buzz for our film and increasing the view count on our video, with people commenting useful feedback as well. We have also posted our video on social networking sites like Facebook and sent the video to our friends to maximise buzz.
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