HCT:Q2 How does you media product represent particular social groups?
- There are two specific different social groups represented in our opening. The first would be the mentally unstable middle aged man and the second would be the young female.
- The male figure is quite a common one to have in a horror as he appears quite disturbing to the audience and unnatural.
- We have included this in our opening, the female role we represented as pale and innocent which is commonly used in smaller females in horrors to make the audience sympathise with her.

- The middle aged man is negatively depicted as dangerous in our opening and therefore this is a residual ideology as in a contemporary society it is unacceptable to consider a mentally unstable man as dangerous or a threat with no specific reason to believe so.
- However, in our opening the male is challenging the normal view of a middle age man as he is depicted as frightening and unsettling. The female is represented as pale and innocent, mainly portrayed through mise en scene and her costume.
- Her pale skin and blonde hard contrasts with the dirty floor she is laying on and the dark blood coming from her head contrasts dramatically with her hair. This same technique is used in the opening of 'Brick' (Johnson, 2005) when the body in the sewer looks very pale and out of place on the hard, cold, dirty floor in a strange position.

- I think that the fact that there is no dialogue in the opening, and that the antagonist is sometimes shown with canted camera angles, makes the character we wanted to portray even greater and unnatural.
- The little amount of the antagonist shown to the audience creates a mysterious feel to him and shrouds him in darkness and unknown. This makes the audience unneasy as the avergae audience member associated the darkness with fear of the unknown and therefor they fear the antagonist.
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