Tuesday 24 April 2012

HCT: Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

    • I believe that our film as a whole would be best aimed at the more mainstream cinema company, however at the same time one that is more independent. This is due to the fact that our production is low budget and we are not a well established production company.
    • However the genres our opening hold are conventional of mainstream films. This doesn't necessarily mean that a larger conglomerate wouldn't distribute our product.
    • Many larger companies have a separate subsidiaries that specialise in independent film makers and distributing their product.
    • A good example of this would be Warner Independent Pictures. They are distributors of films budgeted at under $20 million and therefore we would apply for this however this is unlikely due to the fact that this is our first production and would be a risk for them.
    • Our film would be shown in multiplexes as well as more independent cinema chains as our film reaches out to a mass market and mainstream audiences. However in much much smaller independent art house cinemas and the 'carrot cake' side to movie goers may not find a create attraction to our film as it is not particularly artistic and has not addressed any meaningful specialist topics that that audience would favour.
    •  Our core audience would be males ages 16-24 as our film is a hybrid of two genres that favour this audience - horror and thriller.
    • To get our film noticed we would have to take it to screenings at film festivals. We could take it to a smaller independent film festival such as Portobello Film Festival in London to try and get notoriety, however if want to get noticed by a larger company that could offer distribution on a global scale, we would need to take our film to a larger film festival such as Cannes or Sundance film festival. This would be harder to attract people to our film however if we did so successfully the benefits are very good.
    •  I believe a distribution company that would be suited to our film would be 'Entertainment Film Distributors'. They specialise in UK Independent cinema and would be best suited to our product as they have history of working in films like ours.

    • Their recent films 'Lockout' 'Piranha 3D' and 'Hugo' all contain special effects. Our film has special effects involved and they would be able to advertise our product effectively to gain the revenue we need to regain our cost, however small they may be.

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