Thursday 22 March 2012

Group: Considering Sound.

  • Their will be no use of dialogue in our film, this will be done as we think that the use of unprofessional dialogue can make the rest of the film look amateur.
  • We believe that the use of silence will create a persona of mystery, this fits in with the theme of the film, because if we were making the rest of the movie and not just the opening, one of the largest themes would have been neo-noir.
  • Their will be a voiceover of part of the lords prayer, this is obviously relevant because of the religious undertones of the movie.
Digetic sound:
  • There will be a substantial amount of digetic sound used in our movie openng, other than music, the main use will be a screech like sound, which sounds during the montage at the start everytime the distorted shots take place.
  • During a camera shot of the local environment in which the murder will take place, a gun-shot will sound, this will be used for a sudden contrast between the un-eventful shots of the environment, and the murder scene. We chose to do this, as oposed to showing the murderer taking out his weapon and preparing to murder the victim, the method in which we are going to do it, will create a sudden shock for the audience.
Issues with sound:
  • One issue we had with sound on our preliminary task that we have been careful in order to ensure does not happen again, was a large amount of background sound over the main video. This was the sound of the cars on the road, which really dominated any other sound (including dialogue) in our preliminary task. To counter this, we have chosen our time of filming accordingly, to be able to film at a time when their will be little cars on the road which is near to our location.
  • Another large issue we had with sound was that the diagloue in our preliminary tasks sounded slightly grainy and not really professional, this was one of the reasons that we chose not to use dialogue.

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