Tuesday 24 January 2012

GROUP: Discussion on thoughts and ideas so far.

  • From our research we have discovered many things that are commonly used in the creation of an opening. The opening is normally around 2 minutes in length, so we discussed that our opening sequence should be around this length of time. There is always a title that represents the film in a certain way (typography) and gives off a feel that the director wants to achieve. An enigmatic scene is always created through different techniques. 
  • We thought we should include this in our sequence. There could be props that are very unusual such as a Dictaphone or symbolic item, therefore making the audience wonder what significance they might have. 
  • There is commonly the use of a dead body or murder/ somebody in a risky situation. We found this is a good way of gripping the audience immediately. 
  • In our discussion we talked about how we liked the mystery part of thriller and also some conventions of a horror sequence. 
  • We talked about what genre we might choose and a thriller seemed like the best option, with the back up of being able to make a thriller with horror as a sub genre. 
  • We have all carried out independent research on several title designers and discussed what techniques we liked. Henry said he liked Kyle Cooper's montage editing techniques he uses with fast paced cuts. This, along with macro shots gives an obscure feel to the clip and creates enigma codes. Jake viewed the video on title design history and commented on my post about Stephen Frankfurt who was the title designer for To Kill A Mocking Bird, he too uses macro shots to create interesting shots which may be usefull in our opening sequence. Connor researched Saul Bass who used block titles and simple fonts in his obscure techniques. This may be usefull when designing our title and text in our opening scene.
  • We started to talk about what story lines we like so far and thought we might have the title sequence as the ending of the film. This is a similar style to Memento and film noir and is quite effective. The murder could be of someone innocent such as a small girl, which we found in certain thrillers/horrors such as The Amityville Horror and Face/Off. The murder could be done by some sort of hit man/detective however the audience never sees his full face during the title sequence creating enigma
  • We are also thinking of including a Kyle Cooper style montage edit, however we have yet to finalise this idea but would love to include some of his effective techniques to add suspense and excitement to our opening.

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