Monday 27 February 2012

HCT:Technical Analysis Of a Film Opening
To Kill a Mocking Bird (Mulligan, 1962)

To Kill a Mocking Bird Title Sequence (click here)

  • I have chosen to analyse this title sequence in depth because i find the techniques used are extremely effective to create an interesting artistic look. The use of rack focus and very close up macro objects is inspiring. 
  • Also the way the text is fully integrated into the video and background despite not being motion tracked or hidden behind certain objects. The typography is in harmony with the motion of the picture and is not just an afterthought. It contrasts with the spherical objects and allows the text to pop out of the screen and be noticeable. 
  • The title sequences narrative shows a girls obsession with a cigar box. 
  • This sense of obsession and possibly devotion along with very macro shots could be very useful to our production. We could use the sense of devotion by the antagonist towards his religious clan and also reveal the titles in the second scene by the antagonists work station with a more modern approach of using adobe after effects to motion track the titles to very macro objects to further integrate the text and not make it an after thought.
  • We could also portray a feeling of secrecy be hiding certain titles behind the objects and having them appear as the camera moves along. We could use a very shallow focus to effectively bring out the objects from the background
  • The objects we use would be very intricate and detailed with interesting shape and form. Adding for a better contrast between the text and object and also creating an interesting look, they would be related the the religious aspect we are aiming for.
  • The sound for the title sequence is very minimalist until 1:32 into the opening. before this there is no music at all, only the sound from actions taking place and the gentle humming coming from the little girl. After this it changes to a full bodied orchestra with clarinet violin and other wind instruments. Although beautiful and interesting this technique would not be helpful towards the feel we want to portray in our opening.

    Camera Techniques and mise en scéne
    Shot Duration
    Camera zoom forward to cigar box opening from close up to extreme close up.
    19 seconds.
    close up stationary shot of girl picking up crayon.
    4 seconds.
    Extreme close up of Crayon on paper revealing the title.
    4 1/2 seconds.
    Cray on paper revealing the title close up.
    8 seconds.
    Extreme close up of line being draw on paper with crayon.
    3 seconds.
    Twisting camera, close up of pocket watch.
    3 seconds.
    Extreme close up pan over objects in the box such as coins watched etc.
    8 seconds.
    Extreme close up tracked shot of pen and beads on desk
    14 seconds.
    Close up of girls hand drawing animal on paper.
    5 seconds.
    Extreme close up of crayon being taken causing  marble to roll away.
    4 seconds.
    Extreme close up tracked shot following a marble rolling away past glasses
    5 seconds.
    Extreme close up of marble hitting other marble
    3 seconds.
    Close up of cigar box-vertical.
    7 seconds.
    Close up of girls hand drawing wavy lines with crayon.
    5 seconds.
    Extreme close up of fountain pens and marble.
    7 seconds.
    Extreme close up tracking shot along.
    38 seconds.
    Close up of  girl drawing animal in crayon.
    5 seconds.
    Extreme close up of crayon bring dropped back into cigar box with slight zoom towards the stop watch.
    7 seconds
    Close up of animal drawing in pencil crossed out and ripped. Followed by a pan down the page where the rip is.
    15 seconds

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